CBEM-AFRICA PWD has for the 5 years started 2 churches.
These churches are:-
a).The Gede – Watamu Ward PWD church
Our vision is to be a tool that leads all willing people living with disabilities to the family of God the church, that shows them God the father through His son Jesus Christ who cares and who can be trusted for all human needs and that introduces them to their brothers and sisters in the church and to God’s fearing people outside the church who are willing to be used by God to minister and support people living with disabilities needs.
Our mission is to provide a church family where every willing person living with disability will belong, to reveal God through His son Jesus Christ, His promises and His instructions to them, their guardians and their leaders through the Bible God’s word and to minister their spiritual, social, psychological and to support physical needs of people living with disabilities through the church and God fearing people outside the church.
To provide a church family to all willing persons living with disabilities
To reveal God through His son Jesus Christ, His promises and His instructions to people living with disabilities, their guardians and their leaders
To minister spiritual, social and psychological needs of people living with disabilities
To support Physical needs of people living with disabilities
Starting disabled worship centres in churches in conducive areas where people living with disabilities can gather for worship once a month, where they can meet for their meetings, where they can gather for their craft work, and a central place where any donor can find the
Inviting volunteer professional pastors who can preach and teach the word of God effectively in every disabled worship centre churches.
Spiritual needs through:-
Social needs through:-
Psychological needs through:-
CBEM-AFRICA PWD has for the 5 years started 2 churches.
These churches are:-
a).The Gede – Watamu Ward PWD church
b). The Malindi Town PWD church
World Health Organization recommended that Kenyan population of approximately 36 million indicate there may be some 3 million disabled people which is almost 1/12th of the Kenyan people. Unlike most developing countries in the world, many disabled people in Kenya live in poverty and have limited opportunities for accessing education, health, and suitable housing and employment opportunities. The Kenyan government spends less than one percent of its health budget on mental health and other stakeholders have continued to offer a wide range of services to disabilities but these services are unequally distributed and have reached only a small percentage of persons with disabilities.
According to the 2019 census, 2.2% (0.9 million people) of Kenyans live with some form of disability. Direct comparison of disability prevalence in 2009 and 2019 is problematic due to differences in data collection methodologies, ages covered and size of administrative units. The 2019 census appears to show a sharp drop in disability prevalence; the 2009 census states 3.5%, but when looking at the same age threshold (i.e. adults and children above five years of age) the 2009 disability prevalence rate was 3.8%.
The 2019 census indicates that 1.9% of men have a disability compared with 2.5% of women. For comparison, the 2009 census reported 3.4% of men and 3.5% of women had a disability; agitain, when looking at the same age threshold (i.e. adults and children above five years of age), 3.7% of men and 3.9% of women had a disability (Figure 2).7 There are more people with disabilities living in rural than urban areas. Analysis of prevalence rates by residence shows 2.6% (0.7 million) of people in rural areas and 1.4% (0.2 million) of people in urban areas have a disability. The 2009 census reports 3.8% of rural populations and 3.1% of urban populations had a disability.
Analysis of disability by domain reveals that mobility is the most commonly reported difficulty, experienced by 0.4 million Kenyans and representing 42% of people with disabilities. The other domains of disability – seeing, hearing, cognition, self-care and communication – are experienced by between 36% and 12% of people with disabilities. Albinism is a condition experienced by 0.02% of Kenya’s population
Subnational analysis of the national disability rate of 2.2% reveals a divergence in disability prevalence rates across counties (Figure 4). The highest prevalence rates of disability were recorded in central, eastern and western parts of Kenya. Embucounty (4.4%) has the highest prevalence rate, followed by Homa Bay (4.3%), Makueni (4.1%), Siaya (4.1%) and Kisumu counties (4%). Counties with the lowest disability prevalence rates are found in the north eastern part of Kenya and Nairobi. Wajir has the lowest, with 0.6%.
Disability domains at national and subnational levels These geographical trends are mirrored when disaggregating disability domains by county. Prevalence rates of people with visual difficulties range between 1.7% and 0.1%, hearing difficulties from 0.9% to 0.1%, mobility difficulties from 2.0% to 0.2%, cognitive difficulties from 1.3% to 0.2%, self-care difficulties from 0.6% to 0.1%, and communication difficulties from 0.5% to 0.1%. Table A1 in the appendix disaggregates prevalence rates by disability domain in all 47 counties.
Poverty and disability maintain a strong linkage. People with disabilities in developing countries are over-represented among the poorest people. Poverty causes disabilities and can furthermore lead to secondary disabilities for those individuals who are already disabled, as a result of the poor living conditions, health endangering employment, malnutrition, poor access to health care and education opportunities etc. And disability can cause poverty by preventing the full participation of disabled people in the economic and social life of their communities, especially if the proper supports and accommodations are not available. Poverty and disability both create a sadistic circle. The recent focus on poverty reduction strategies is a unique chance to rethink.
Another testimony that moved me is that of a young widow in my church who is a mother of three disabled children and because of my counseling she learned to trust God and testifies that despite the challenges she is facing as a widow being the only bread winner, God has been faithful to provide the needs of her 6 children and has also been faithful to give her enough love daily to love her 3 disabled children.
This revealed to me that there are many other disabled people and disable guardians outside there who are undergoing the same situation and need my assistance but I did not know where to find them but begun praying about it.
When the right timing came, God provided a chance that came incidentally by the people with disabilities request to Chafisi Baptist church where I pastor, to use its hall and ground as their meeting place through me, their request was granted and another incident was provided when one of the Honorable member of the county Government promised to visit them but for some reason did not make it.
God spoke to me that it was not the right time for that honorable person to come but it was time for God the Father, the sustainer of human lives ( Luke 12:29-31) to be introduced to the people living with disabilities. This was to happen through a worship service so that people living with disabilities and their guardians would learn to trust God with their great needs and let God use His ways to meet their needs but not to trust other human beings (Jeremiah 17:5-8, Psalms 37:3-5, Psalms 118:8-9).
When the day came, more than five hundred people living with disabilities and their guardians attended with great expectation of seeing the honorable person but instead they saw me as a messenger of God and I introduced God who is worth to be trusted for the needs of all human beings in a well organized worship service.
After the worship service and the announcement that the honorable person did not make it but that he has promised to visit another time, the leaders appreciated the service and requested me if it would be possible with me to have a service with people living with disabilities and their guardians at least once every month.
I accepted their request and that is how the ministry of people living with disabilities was born and became their first pastor. Chafisi Baptist Church being a member of Committed Believers Evangelical Ministry of Africa (C.B.E.M – AFRICA) which is registered in Kenya, People living with disabilities ministry was included as one of the departments in the C.B.E.M – AFRICA constitution reviewed and amended on the A.G.M meeting held on 31st Jan 2015.
Watamu – Dabaso wards are two administrative locations in the Kilifi County in Kenya with a population of more than 500 people living with disabilities. These people are male, female and mostly children from different tribes and religions, living with disabilities such as of blind, deaf, physical handicapped, cerebral impairments and the albinoism, who most of them suffer great isolation both in their families, and in the community as a whole for they are not provided with conducive environment for their special life.
According to my survey, I have found out that people living with disabilities in Watamu – Dabaso wards suffer not only the physical that everyone can see but suffer both physical, spiritual, socially and psychological and need healing in all these areas of need.
This is because most of them are struggling with accepting the life of disabilities which make them suffer psychologically which for most of them lead to depression. Others suffer socially for most of them live a lonely and isolated life since they lack life partners, family friends or disabled friends to socialize around with them. Others suffer spiritually since they live a life of sin and lack peace of God, hope of life and lack no one to trust for their great needs, hence making them to live a life of begging and blaming others.
With the physical needs, I have found out that most of them suffer poverty and needs the basic necessities of life such as food, pampers clothing, medicine and housing and assistive devices such as wheel chairs, etc. Another pressing need observed for people living with disabilities is sponsorships for their special education and the need for resource centers.
On the part of the parents and guardians of people living with disabilities, I have found out that most of them suffer psychologically because for others it has been very hard to accept a disabled person since some come from customs that consider disability as an abnormal life and some do not want to be identified with an abnormal person for cultural or religious reasons, which makes some parents to hide their children. Again some parents and guardians love their children but are challenged by the special physical needs which for most of them cannot provide since they live a poor life.
Another finding is on the part of the leaders of people living with disabilities, it is reported that because of poverty and ill motive, some of those who are trusted to look after the welfare of people living with disabilities take advantage of them instead.
My appointment to be a disabled minister came about through testimonies of my two disabled members who testified their spiritual, socially and psychological healing that God used me to heal them. They testified that despite the physical challenges they are facing, they are enjoying peace of God.
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208
Gede Kenya.
Email Address: cbemafrica2012@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: +254-723-146-350