CBEM-AFRICA now targets children from different areas in our 12 CBEM churches.
The children considered in this ministry are, community children, children from the war-like coastal people groups, orphans, children of irresponsible single mothers, disabled parents and irresponsible polygamous families
In the year 2000 the Lord revealed his plan of saving the Bajun people group by giving a burden to Chafisi Baptist Church through Pastor Fredrick Masha. This is when the church began praying and surveying the areas.
The Bajun people group is a mixture of Arabs and Bantus (several different tribes) who live in clustered settlements in the coastal towns Kismayu in Somalia to Dar-essalaam in Tanzania. In Kenya they mainly live in the Lamu Islands, Lamu district, Mombasa, Kilifi district and Malindi district, mainly in Malindi town at Shela and Watamu town.
The population of the Bajun people group is estimated to be about 187,000 people and although they hold on mainly to the Islamic religion and tradition, their lives do not reflect what they believe, but rather very much influenced by the tourists who come in these coastal towns for holiday from various parts of the world, particularly Italians. There are two types of Bajuns, the black Bajun who has the features of Africans and the Swarab Bajun whose features are very similar to Arabs.
The Bajun people group is well known among the other coastal people groups as the group that highly practices prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism and child abuse (renting of their children for prostitution). They are also known for the habit of taking drugs.
The Bajun people for many years have been known as a group ignorant to secular education, with the claim that, secular education was introduced by missionaries and suspect that it was a trap to convert them to Christianity, and therefore held on to Islamic education which made this community to be underprivileged, since the Kenyan government considers the secular education to be very important and the one that qualifies one to be employed in the government, amongst other organizations, this left the Bajun community to depend mainly on fishing, .attracting tourists, and selling their land for their survival.
This people group is also well known to have succeeded in resisting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and according to the statistics they are 1.00% Christian, with no known church for Bajuns. Since they are closely knit as families and are predominantly Muslims. The spirituality of the group is on three levels. There are those who have a fundamental attitude, some believe that all religions lead to God. The third group is searching for the truth. They are constantly bombarded with conflicting views between Islam and Christianity, but the close family ties and the deep roots of Islam prevent them from looking to the gospel as a solution. They have done everything they can to totally close themselves as it was in the city of Jericho at the times of Joshua (Joshua 6:1)
In the year 2005 the Lord opened doors for the gospel to be preached to the Bajun people group by allowing some life changes that the Bajuns have never experienced before.
-a threat to the community
-desire to have another effective teaching apart from the Islamic for moral behavior.
When this door was, opened, the lord showed this door clearly to the Pastor whom he also revealed to him that the only effective strategy to reach the Bajun people group is through children ministry. This is because the Bajun Community and all the other people groups who follow the Islamic religion along the Coastal region of Kenya, teach their children to resist to the gospel since in child stage and if one witnesses an adult Bajun is just considered to be provoking him or her and just for the purpose of offending him/her. It was realized that it is good to begin with children because that is where they begin and if you approach an adult Bajun you are already too late. By considering this fact and the working of God at their midst, there were three children projects proposed as follows:
The lord then privileged the pastor to share this vision to many other committed and sensitive pastors and church members (both local and international).
In 2003, Masha was invited in the United states of America by the Waldron’s family through Miss Polly Waldron a member of Jersey Baptist church who had met Masha on a VBS mission trip at Mijomboni Baptist church where Masha was pastoring and touched to sponsor his Theological education.
While there he met his divinely joined brother Michael and his wife Donna who invited him to their church First Baptist church of Heath Ohio and introduced him to their pastor and the children ministry.
In September, the same year Michael visited the Masha’s family in Kenya and officially launched the CBEM-AFRICA.
In June 2007, Pastor Masha was invited with his wife by First Baptist Church of Heath, Ohio and the George’s family, to the Global Impact Celebration, where he was privileged to share his vision to the church.
First Baptist church caught the vision and in February the following year, that is 2008, a team of six including the Pastor joined Chafisi Baptist church children mission.
In May 13th the same year, First Baptist Church through the committed members resolved to begin with the first proposal (taking the orphan children to a mission school) and they were able to sponsor 42 children, 20 among them being Bajuns and the other 22 from other communities so as to cover them which was faced by many challenges.
In the year 2015 Miss Donna visited the Masha’s family and CBEM-AFRICA with her family friends, the Nadolson’s who God divinely joined them through their daughter, Katrina.
It is during this time where Miss Donna was ordained in CBEM as Miss Elimu (one who cares for the needy children education)
Donna again visited Kenya in the year 2018. During this time she attended the classes to see the children needs in the Children center at Chafisi Baptist Academy.
Back home, Katrina and the Nadolson’s family shared the children ministry vision to their church Springhills Baptist which caught the vision and sponsored 70 needy children.
In the year 2019 sent a VBS team which held children programme at Chafisi children center and in our bush churches at Sendemke Baptist church.
This is when Miss Tracy Kaseman Pound the Springhills pastor’s wife felt called by God to support the children ministry vision. This happened after being ordained with her husband Pastor Tom ‘MSENA’, a precious friend in the ministry, who committed to support CBEM vision for 10 years.
The CBEM Children Ministry has a programme with activities that are designed to reach the children with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The activities are as follows:
VBS 1 | VBS 2 |
For more information contact the C.B.E.M – AFRICA Co-ordinator:
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha, KENYA.
P.O Box 13- 80208,Gede Kenya.
Email address: cbemafrica2012@gmail.com
Website: www.cbemafrica.org
Mobile phone: +254-723-146-350
C.B.E.M – AFRICA U.S.A coordinator:
Mr. Michael George
Phone Number: (740) 644-3051.
For those who feel led to send any donation to our account, can send to:
Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited Malindi Branch
Bank Address: P.O Box 100-80200
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2040865236
Bank Swift Code for international Bank
Transfers: BARCKENX
IBAN NUMBER: 030122040865236
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208
Gede Kenya.
Email Address: cbemafrica2012@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: +254-723-146-350
Mr. Michael George
Phone Number: (740) 644-3051.
Miss Polly Waldron
Phone Number: 614-598-5723,
Work OSU Hand Center 614-366-0188
Pastor Phil Duncan
Jersey Baptist Church
13260 Morse Road, New Albany, OH 43054
Phone: 740-927-1859
Email: pduncan@jerseychurch.org
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