The name of this Ministry is COMMITTED BELIEVERS EVANGELICAL MINISTRY OF AFRICA, abbreviated as “C.B.E.M – Africa”. The headquarters of this Ministry is at Chafisi Baptist Church compound, situated along Gede-Watamu road west of Kamango stage about 100 metres from the main road in Kilfi County, Malindi Sub-county, Gede location, Dabaso sub-location in the coastal region of Kenya.
To be an association of Churches globally, focused on missions
C.B.E.M – AFRICA as a reaching ministry have adopted the Christian flag colors
a). Searching the unevangelized people groups of Africa starting with the people groups of the Kenyan coastal region by teams of missionary surveyors and targeting them with the Gospel through love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b). Necessary mission strategies such as orphan children and People Living With Disabilities centers
c). Mission projects such as, water, health, educational and other charity projects.
d). Mission ministries such as VBS, Youth, Men, and Women ministries
e). Giving social services such as, medicine, food, clothes etc
f). Planting a church that suit with the people
g). Identifying and training a pastor of that particular people group
a). Searching the needy areas of Africa, through teams of missionary surveyors and mobilize churches to send teams of pastors and evangelists to go and do:-
i. Door to door evangelism
ii. one to one through giving medicine or other social services
iii. Open air Crusades
iv. Jesus inspiration film
b). Starting a church under our missionary and organized it to be focused on missions through:-
i. Taking the new church through systematic discipleship programme facilitated by CBEM full-time missionaries
ii. Giving the church the CBEM constitution
iii. Compiling a yearly calendar of activities that focuses on the five purposes of the church
c). Identifying a gifted called minister from the church who will be appointed by the church and who is ready to serve full- time as a pastor and give him a theological training
d). Involving the new church to participate in CBEM mission trip schedule
a.) Sharing ministry opportunities within CBEM to all evangelical churches worldwide through Social media
b.) Sharing ministry opportunities to all short term missionaries both national and international by visiting their churches and countries, sharing to them and inviting them to join the team
c.) Sharing ministry opportunities to all the visiting teams and honor them by ordaining them to be recognized ministers of CBEM
d.) Involving ministers in ministerial activities suited to their gifts during mission trips
e.) CBEM leadership to identify and recognize special gifts that will come up during mission camps and honoring it by ordaining the minister
f). Inviting short term missionaries through their churches by writing CBEM official invitation letter to the church recommending the needed services and the ministers who are willing to offer their service.
a). C.B.E.M. Theological Training Center (a School of Ministry).
b). Holding training session for short-term courses and offering certificate of completion and participation
c). Mentorship
d). Holding annual Mission Conferences
a). Challenging them for service during mission camps
b). Recognizing and Acknowledging Ministers gifts and ordaining them publicly for service
c). Encouraging Ministers to utilize their resources for mission work
d). Recognizing and reserving the history of each minister’s sacrifice towards CBEM mission work
e). Motivating them by giving of appreciation certificates
f). Supporting ministers serving full-time in CBEM work with basic needs
g). Motivating Pastors and wives of CBEM churches with annual Pastors and wives retreats
a). Ministry Promoters (CBEM affiliates church pastors)
b). Holding Church Centred Mission Seminars
c). Initiating Church prayer schedule
d). Initiating CBEM churches fellowship programmes
a) The Bishop, Overseers, missionaries and ordained pastors shall be the ordaining
council of the ministry.
b) The executive committee shall be the board for recommending ordained ministers for
In 1994, while Masha was serving in the church as the church chairman and an adult Sunday school teacher, he was encouraged to join Bible school by both his Pastor and the church council. For him this was the hardest decision to make since joining Bible school meant losing his well paying permanent precious job where he was working as a senior dinning waiter in one of the big tourist hotels and at this time he had a wife and one child who needed his care. Masha decided to join Bible school but took advantage of the position he had at work to maintain his job.
When Masha joined Bible school, he was elected to be one of the officers in Gede Baptist Association the then known as Gede Center of Baptist churches comprising of about 25 churches which elected him to be the chairman of the association of churches the following year. It is in one of the meetings discussing an agenda concerning Mijomboni Baptist church that have had conflicts’ among leaders and caused divisions among believers, where the resolution was to be sent one of the leaders to reorganize the church and Masha was found the one qualified for that task.
While Masha had taken advantage of his position at work to save his job at the first time, at this time there was no way that he could make it since both the Bible school and the church needed him fully and he felt a great burden for the church. It is at this time when he decided to share with his wife Beatrice the burden he had of the church and the struggles he had concerning the decision of resigning his job. Beatrice his wife responded, “If is God calling you, why resist!” Masha praised God for his wife’s response for he had prayed before that if was God calling him then would also speak to his wife so that she can also understand so that they would agree in this major decision.
Masha resigned his well paying permanent job to resume the full-time Pastoral ministry as a response to God’s calling in 1995, trusting God for the details of his life including his family’s needs.
In 1996, Masha was blessed with his second born Evans who was born at a time of great financial needs where it was even very hard for Masha and his family to get one meal since African rural churches is not able to pay their pastors, since these churches are congregated by poor members and Masha and his family depended in a very little income from water sale. This situation became even worse in 1997 which led Masha’s family to great suffering which resulted Evans to suffer malnutrition.
It is at this time when Masha found himself to be a very irresponsible parent and husband when he saw his wife and his two children suffering and decided to quit the ministry and go back to work but decided to share his decision of going back to work to his wife expecting a very positive response but instead his wife Beatrice answered him “ it is good that you go back to work for we will get our daily bread, but what will people say about our God, they will say He is unable!”
By his wife’s counsel, Masha was total disparate not knowing what to do but made a decision that total changed his life, the decision was to tell God his situation through praying and fasting and decided to fast in prayer for un known days, closed in his house until when God answers his prayer. It was on Friday when Masha begun his journey, he closed himself in his house and begun praying and this is how he prayed, “Lord God you know the situation I am with my family, you also know that I can work and you know I have a place to work, but what will people say about you, they will say that you are unable and for that reason, I am ready to suffer, ready to be ashamed for your name sake.” Masha testifies that he prayed this prayer repeatedly and with deep hearted to God that caused his body to sweat causing his shirt to be total wet.
It was on the same day that Masha received the answer of his life for God answered Masha by reminding him his word in Luke 12 29-31 which says, “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”NIV
As a confirmation of answering Masha’s prayer, God gave Masha a great inner peace that cooled down his body and the sweat dried up. Masha begun praising God saying; in Kiswahili language “Asante Yesu, asante Yesu” (Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus) and after this Masha testifies that he did not have the courage to continue praying but he opened his Bible and wondered about the Bible verse that the Lord has used to answer him, which remains his favorite verse in his life and ministry today.
In the evening the same day, Masha went out of the house and told his wife to praise the Lord for God has answered their prayer, he told him about the experience he has had and quoted the verse for her and she was excited about it.
The following Sunday Masha announced himself to the church that from that day he is a full-time pastor, meaning that he will never be employed by anyone in life but just serve the Lord and is trusting the Lord for His care.
Two Sundays after Masha’s commitment to serve the Lord full-time, God sent two missionaries from the United States of America; these missionaries were an aged man called Wallace Norman and a lady called Polly Waldron. These missionaries had been sent by Malindi Association to introduce children ministry in Masha’s church and the lady seemed to be doing the training with the other young ladies as Masha helped in making the juice for the children.
While doing this, the lady started showing great concern to Masha as a person and respected him as a pastor that he felt very close to her that missed her as she left to come back the second morning. In one of the days before she left, she gave her Camera to one of the ladies in the church, held Masha’s hand and told her to take a picture.
On the last Sunday before they left, these two missionaries recommended Masha as a good pastor and gave him some money to buy a new bicycle among other gifts and Polly promised Masha that if he wanted to continue with his theological studies then she was ready to support him. This is how Masha got an opportunity to join a four year Diploma in Theological program in Kenya Baptist Theological College after completing a three years certificate of theology program in Malindi Bible School.
When Masha joined college, this lady was faithful to her promise in supporting his studies but God also used her to answer Masha’s prayers, for Polly did not only support Masha’s studies but she was also concern with Masha’s family needs.
Masha recognized her great concern and realized that this was a divine connection and called Polly Waldron with the title “Mama” meaning my mother and honored her by giving her name to his first daughter Polly the junior.
Another divine connection that the Lord did to prove his faithfulness in taking care of his full-time ministers needs is the connection of Masha with Michael George. Michael George was connected to pastor during a mission trip in Uganda where God has sent him to spread the gospel with the then called International crusade ministry where Masha had also gone for a mission trip. In this trip, Masha was sent together to serve the same church with Michael and his team of four for one week.
During their stay together as ministers, Michael showed great concern to Masha as a person and respected him as a pastor that Masha felt very close to him. On the last Sunday Michael gave Masha several gifts, compensated back the bus fare he had spent to travel to Uganda and promised him that he would pay his ticket in the next mission trip. Masha recognized this divine connection and called Michael his brother, meaning that if Polly Waldron is my mother then Michael George is my brother.
When Michael went back to Texas, Michael testifies that God spoke to him telling him to take care of Masha as his minister, something that he obediently responded to and wrote a letter attaching his family picture saying that if things go well then he would support Masha financially every month something that he did and has been faithfully doing.
Masha Recognized Michael George’s kindness and recognized that he must be having a very generous wife behind him and honored her by giving Michael’s wife Donna to her second daughter to be Donna the junior.
In the year 1998, Masha was called back by his mother church Chafisi Baptist church and was elected as a pastor and was publicly ordained in the position of a pastor of Chafisi Baptist Church in the year 1999.
While Masha was serving God as the Pastor of Chafisi Baptist church, he began having a burden towards one of the un evangelized people group that live at their neighborhood who have remained 0% Christian for many years and who live a very wicked life style and who are taken advantage by tourist to practice all sorts of immoral habits and Masha and his church tried to reach this people group but with no success since this people group had closed themselves as it was at the city of Jericho.
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208
Gede Kenya.
Email Address:
Mobile Phone: +254-723-146-350