Referral – 1 (epileptic case)
Snake bites
CBEMediCARE has three programmes:
A big percentage of the people in the bush is not educated and lacks the health basic principles of disease prevention.
One at Sendemke CBEM Baptist Church (to be accomplished by 2023)
Second at Katsanga Katune CBEM Baptist Church (to be accomplished by 2026)
Third one at Thulu CBEM Baptist Church (to be accomplished by 2029)
(NOTE: First land already purchased at Sendemke)
In 1996, Pastor Masha was blessed with his second born Evans who was born at a time of great financial needs where it was even very hard for Masha and his family to get one meal. This is after Pastor Masha resigning his work to serve the Lord as a full time pastor. This situation became even worse in 1997 which led Masha’s family to great suffering which resulted Evans to suffer Kwashiorkor.
His history of suffering malnutrition at his young age motivated him to offer himself to help many children and other people who are suffering because of financial constraints.
When Evans completed his high school he was taken by his father to a mission trip in the bush where there was a mission to help during the giggers outbreak. That is when God started calling Evans to help people with medicine in the bush something that helped him choose the medical career.
After Evans Vidzo realized his purpose in the medical field he attached himself to Doctor Mwatete who was serving in the medical field to be his mentor.
In the same year of 2015, God answered the prayer of Evans to join the medical field by being called to a well recognized government institution, Jomo Kenyatta University. He was called to pursue Bachelors of Science in Nursing. Despite the financial struggles from the beginning where he had to join Campus with zero shillings apart from the admission fee, God was faithful to the boy and kept on providing for the boy’s school fees through the family, government loans and servants of God. In great acknowledgement and appreciation is Pastor Phil Duncan and Ken Whitehead who made remarkable contributions towards the education of the boy.
In 2019 shortly before his graduation a team from Springhills Baptist Church came to the bush for a church plant.
Amongst them was a team of three nurses namely Percella Gualtieri, Rachel Boggs Gattrell and Barbara Phillips. This medical team greatly served in the medical mission camp and about 300 people prayed to receive Christ in 2 days.
During the mission at the bush Percella felt a strong conviction towards helping with the bush medical care and she was ordained as Kakarthu (a Waata name meaning one who cares for medical needs in the bush)
The medical camp main mission of reaching people to Christ through showing them his love by offering medical services was successfully implemented. Glory be to God and we highly appreciate the Springhills Baptist Church for offering medical supplies and even sending the team members to be part and parcel of the whole thing.
C.B.E.M – AFRICA offers an opportunity to all committed believers, from all Evangelical Churches worldwide, who:
C.B.E.M – AFRICA invites all short term missionaries to join the blessed team. CBEM is currently able to host up to 8 couples (or up to 28 singles) with private bedrooms and shower and restroom facilities for up to two weeks in 3 missionary houses offered by the Masha’s family in a large Giryama home so as to give the visiting team an opportunity of socializing with the African people as they stay with them, taste their foods, play with their children and showing Christ’s love to them as they share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to them.
Larger groups can be hosted through a very conducive environment for camping. For those who want to stay in hotels or cottages, bookings can be made for them along with special rates for their stay. The ministry also recognizes that quality time is essential for their missionary teams and schedules free time for shopping, a full day of relaxing at the beach of the Indian ocean and a one day Game park SAFARI. The transportation and arrangements can be made.
The ministry is now full-time and is open to receiving teams throughout the year however, early booking will allow for better preparation by the CBEM team for your visit.
The ministry invites social workers such as doctors, nurses, or other health professionals, who are devoted to ministering to the needs of the people of Africa and healing their hurts through showing Christ’s love by holding medical camps or donating medicine or supplies.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:34)
Join C.B.E.M – AFRICA, Dedicated for the Going business!
(1Peter 2:9, Matthew 28:19-20)
For more information contact the C.B.E.M – AFRICA Medical contact people:
Fredrick Evans Vidzo, BSN, KENYA.
P.O Box 13- 80208 Gede Kenya.
Email address:
Email address:
Mobile phone: +254-700-646-067
Percella Gualtieri, MSN, USA.
Phone Number: +1-614-535-5528.
For those who feel led to send any donation to our account, can send to:
Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited Malindi Branch
Bank Address: P.O Box 100-80200
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2040865236
Bank Swift Code for international Bank
Transfers: BARCKENX
IBAN NUMBER: 030122040865236
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208
Gede Kenya.
Email Address:
Mobile Phone: +254-723-146-350