Lack of fulltime African missionaries and pastors is observed to be the major problem causing failure for mission work in Africa including reaching the un-evangelized people groups of Africa and planting churches in need areas of Africa.
While it is evident that the Lord has opened doors that provide many opportunities for mission work in Africa, and called gifted, faithful, and committed ministers to serve full-time in doing mission work in Africa which is one of the most continent with many unevangelized people groups and with a large area without evangelical churches, mission work has greatly failed due to lack of support for the missionaries and Pastors called by God to assume that task.
This problem is claimed by the churches to be caused by inability of rural and bush churches to support their pastor’s and missionary’s needs because of financial problems. It is observed that the members and leaders of these churches have come to believe that the rural churches cannot have full-time pastors and missionaries because of the fact that the rural bush churches are congregated by poor members who are unable to support even their own needs.
On the other hand the pastors and Missionaries of these churches comfort themselves by saying “we are just volunteering to help the church” meaning that they are not really devoted to lead the church to accomplish Gods purpose for its existence but rather just covering the space.
It is through this problem of lack of support for African missionaries and Pastors that has totally made the African church to be stagnant and totally failed on its mission work.
During one of Michael George’s visit to Africa with his wife Donna, the Holy Spirit led him to see other CBEM full-time Pastors needs and further committed himself and his family to support their family basic needs. Masha and the other Pastors felt cared, encouraged and really appreciated Michael and his family and recognized the special calling in him and honored him by ordaining him with a nickname “FARAJA” meaning one who cares and encourager.
It is for that reason CBEM has realized a great success in doing mission work in Africa now having reached two unevangelical people groups and planted Ten churches six among the ten are bush churches, one children church and three churches of people with special needs. These churches have a membership of about 800 believers, having baptized 292 among them and have successfully mobilized about five hundred ministers to do mission work.
CBEM – AFRICA is now having a ten year mission plan ( 2021 – 2030 ) and is targeting 3 unevangelized people groups with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and planning to plant 7 new churches in needy areas of Africa that is one church each year.
CBEM has for now five full-time Missionaries and eight full-time Pastors. Five among them are supported while the remaining eight are in the waiting list and we are looking forward for many full-time Missionaries and Pastors who will rise each year as CBEM plans to plant a church annually.
CBEM therefore is calling upon missionaries, Pastors and godly men and women with a heart of caring and who feel called by God to be a blessing by being an encouragement to the full-time missionaries and Pastors in Africa like brother FARAJA to join the blessed team.
For more information contact the C.B.E.M – AFRICAN Coordinators:
C.B.E.M – AFRICA U.S.A coordinators:
Mr. Michael George
Phone Number: (740) 644-3051.
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208 Gede Kenya.
Email address:
Mobile phone: +254-723-146-350
For those who feel led to send any donation to our account, can send to:
Bank Address: P.O Box 100 – 80200 Malindi
Account Number: 2040865236
Account Type/ Currency: CURRENT ACCOUNT (USD)
Bank Code: 03
Branch Number: 012
Bank Swift Code for International Bank Transfers: BARCKENX
IBAN NUMBER: 030122040865236
Or through Sendwave Money Transfer
Sendwave Number: +254723146350
Rev. Fredrick Kazungu Masha
P.O Box 13- 80208
Gede Kenya.
Email Address:
Mobile Phone: +254-723-146-350